Durango West 2 E-News March 2025

March 2025
Keep Water Flowing To assure smooth runoff and to prevent pooling, we are asking assistance from residents to keep the water flowing properly down our street gutters. Periodically, check the gutters in front of your property. Leaves and needles get mixed at times with dirt/mud creating muck which all contribute to clogging the gutters in various places. It would be very helpful if every resident could just take 5 minutes from time to time to clean up what is in front of their property including any muck, dirt, and pebbles that may have fallen into the gutters due to snowplowing, melting and runoff. This will ensure proper drainage as well as prevent damage to the adjoining asphalt. Thank you.
Water Maintenance and Repairs
Many residents have discovered how just an intermittent running toilet can add up to thousands of gallons of lost water. March is a great time to check for leaks and do regular preventative maintenance on your faucets, toilets, water softeners, etc. This can end up saving you lots of water and money. Be a waterwise resident and save water by doing proper maintenance and conserve water by installing water efficient toilets, shower heads etc.
Be a Good Neighbor - Clean Up after Your Dog
With the snows melting, dog poop and dog poop bags are appearing around the neighborhood. Please be respectful of district property and residents’ yards by always picking poop up after your dog(s) as well as your poop bags when you are on District roads, trails, greenbelts, and residents’ yards, and disposing of those bags properly. This helps to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy our subdivision and prevents pollution.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, pet waste is one of the many seemingly small sources of pollution that can add up to big problems for water quality, and even human health. When dog waste is left behind, not only is it unsightly and leaves an overwhelming smell, but it can also leave excessive amounts of bacteria, parasites and nitrates that disrupt outdoor ecosystems. The best way to make sure that neighborhood and wildlife stay healthy is by encouraging all pet owners to pick up after their dogs and properly dispose of the waste, ideally in biodegradable bag, and then in their trash can. Read the teaser story below for four reasons why it’s important to pick up your dog waste.
Fire Hydrants – Spring Access
If you have a fire hydrant on your property, please keep it accessible year-round. During the winter, we appreciate the assistance from homeowners who have hydrants on their property in keeping them clear from snow. During spring, remove shrubs, branches, etc that block visual and physical access.
Wildfire Mitigation
As a district, Durango West 2 takes wildfire mitigation very seriously. The district has $31,360 budgeted in 2025 for its continuous commitment to wildfire mitigation around the district. This will allow us to continue the work we have been doing over the past seven years. In 2018, DW2 began a three-year plan developed by Fire Smart Inc to reduce wildfire risk within the common areas of our community. The total area mitigated is approximately 64.45 acres which constitutes all of the district open space properties. Beginning in 2022, DW2 began maintaining and improving mitigation treatments in these previously treated common areas. Treatments were again prioritized due to risk and need and are re-evaluated each year. The greenbelt mitigation treatments are designed to reduce the intensity and spread rates of wildfire in and around the district. These treatments accomplish this by reducing fuel density and connectivity. These treatments are designed to work in combination with mitigation treatments on private properties that border the greenbelt.
There is no Board Meeting in March.
Next Board Meeting is April 16th at 5 p.m. at the Mail House