LPEA Replacing Underground Cables

April 24, 2024 Update: According to LPEA, Boring/Excavation is projected to be completed late May early June. This is pending any issues that may arise. Once completed, crews will begin terminating the new cable at each location, (including backyards). Their current schedule shows through October. See revised map of locations in Durango West 2 that will be affected this year. It is just the ones in the large black circle, not the crossed out ones. LPEA may continue this replacement project next year but they won't know until late in 2024.
March 2024: LPEA began its major cable replacement project in Durango West 2 that is expected to last through early October 2024. According to LPEA, it is replacing cables that are 40 years old and have history of faults. They are updating these to system design standards. The project will replace 1.5 miles of cable. Residents are responsible for locating their own service lines if requested by LPEA.
Project information and a map can be found here https://lpea.coop/construction-updates. See the following plats for Durango West 2 (DWII-Phase 1; DWII-Phase 2; DWII-Phase 2a) showing the routes of the LPEA planned cable replacement. Members have been and will be notified by mail, text, and emails of updates to the project.